Building Kubicorn

August 19, 2017


Run make help for command line usage.

First off you will need to have a working Golang-1.8 development environment. To get this you can follow this tutorial. Make sure you can use the go command and that your GOPATH environment variable is set. As a alternative you can have a look at the Docker build script, you wont need go locally for this, but you will need docker.


Set GOPATH in your bash profile:

$ export GOPATH=/Users/<your user>/go
$ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

You can add these two lines to ~/.bash_profile to make sure these variables are always set.

If you have this you should be able to run the following command:

$ go get


Now you can run make from the src directory of kubicorn:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make

The kubicorn binary will get built and placed under $GOPATH/src/ You can also run make all to also get the binary under $GOPATH/bin.

Now you can run kubicorn to check if everything is working:

$ kubicorn

Other branches or your fork

If you want to build a different git branch just switch inside the kubicorn project:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git checkout digitalocean2
$ make

You can also fork the kubicorn repository and make your own changes, check this link out on how to do this. If you have your own fork you want to build you can just do a go get to your own repository instead of the main repository:

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make

Keep in mind that other branches might have different dependencies that will need to present in you GOPATH directory.


As a simple alternative there is a script located in the Docker folder name “”. This can be used to build Kubicorn without the need to setup a golang environment on your local machine. You will need to have Docker installed on your development environment. This script should work on any platform that supports Docker. Have a look at the official Docker documentation on how to install Docker for your platform of choice.

To use this script just make a git checkout of the kubicorn repository and run the

$ git clone
$ cd kubicorn/docker
$ ./